Pearl Anniversary Card
Stuart Nicholls
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Filtering by Category: Custom Card
A truly wonderful one off card made for one of our wonderful customers. Every item on the card has a special, personal relationship to the receiver. We loved every hour spent making this card.
A custom card made last Christmas for a very happy customer. This Card was double sided and included a working light!
A custom card made for a Russian Wedding. Complete with a name on the cake.
Two custom cards designed for two who loved their locals.
One of the highlights from last years custom made cards. A double sided wedding card, to celebrate the special day. Tilly included on the card items that had a special meaning to the couple, such as the DVD for 'The Wire' and a Manga comic 'Akira' also a pair of red loafers!
One of our regular customers commissioned a set of cards recently, with a magical theme! The couple run their own business as magicians, so wanted magic themed cards to send to their happy clients. We made 50 table cards full of magical surprises!
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